Artigos Científicos
De Salles AAF, Katayama Y, Becker DP, Hayes RL.: Pain suppression induced by electrical stimulation of the pontine parabrachial region: Experimental study. J Neurosurg 62:397-407, 1985.
De Salles AAF, Kontos HA, Becker DP, Yang MS, Ward JD, Moulton R, Gruemer HD, Lutz H, Maset AL, Jenkins L, Marmarou A, Muizelaar JP.: Prognostic significance of ventricular CSF lactic acidosis in severe head injury. J Neurosurg 65:615-624, 1986.
Rabow L, De Salles AAF, Becker DP, Yang MS, Kontos HA, Ward JD, Moulton R, Clifton G, Gruemer HD, Muizelaar JP, Marmarou A.: CSF brain creatinine kinase levels and lactic acidosis in severe head injury. J Neurosurg 65:625-629, 1986.
Rabow L, De Salles AAF, Yang MS, Marmarou A, Becker DP. Causal factors in the development of brain lactic acidosis. In Miller JD, Teasdale GM, Rowan JO, Galbrait SL, Mendelow AD (eds). Intracranial Pressure VI. Berlin\Heidelberg\New York: Springer-Verlag, 1986, pp 25-29.
De Salles AAF, Katayama Y, Newlon PG, Edward Dixon C, Becker DP, Stonnington HH, Hayes HL.: Transient suppression of event-related evoked potential produced by mild head injury in the cat. J Neurosurg 66:102-108, 1987.
De Salles AAF, Kontos HA, Becker DP, Ward JD, Marmarou A.: Brain tissue pH in head-injured patients. Neurosurgery 20:297-301, 1987.
De Salles AAF, Muizelaar JP, Young HF.: Hyperglycemia, CSF lactic acidosis and CBF in severely head-injured patients. Neurosurgery 21:45-50, 1987.
Leichnetz GR, Gonzalo-Ruiz A, De Salles AAF, Hayes RL.: The frontal eye field and prefrontal cortex project to the paramedian pontine reticular formation in the cat. Brain Res 416:195-199, 1987.
Leichnetz GR, Gonzalo-Ruiz A, De Salles AAF, Hayes RL.: The origin of brainstem afferents of the paramedian pontine reticular formation in the cat. Brain Res 422:389-397, 1987.
De Salles AAF, Asfora WT, Abe M, Kjelberg RN.: Transposition of target information from the magnetic resonance and CT-scan images to the conventional x-ray stereotactic space. Appl Neurophys 50:23-32, 1987.
Marmarou A, Maset AL, Ward JD, Choi S, Brooks D, Lutz HA, Moulton RJ, Muizelaar, De Salles AAF, Young HF.: Contribution of CSF vascular factors to elevation of ICP in severely head-injury patients. J Neurosurg 66:883-390, 1987.
De Salles AAF.: Cerebral vasospasm (review article). Arq Neuro Psiq (São Paulo) 45:329-338, 1987.
Maset AL, Marmarou A, Ward JD, Choi S, Lutz H, Brooks D, Moulton RJ, De Salles AAF, Muizelaar JP, Turner H, Young H.: Pressure-Volume Index in head injury. J Neurosurg 67:832-840, 1987.
De Salles AAF: The role of endothelium dependent relaxing factor on the cerebral circulation (review article). Arq Neuro Psiq (São Paulo) 46:90-97,1988.
Moulton RJ, Marmarou A, Ronen J, Ward JD, Lutz HA, De Salles AAF, Maset A, Muizelaar JP.: Spectral analysis of the EEG in craniocerebral trauma. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 15:82-86, 1988.
Leichnetz GR, Carlton SM, Katayama Y, Gonzalo-Ruiz A, Holstege G, De Salles AAF, Hayes RL.: Afferent and Efferent connections of the cholinoceptive medial pontine reticular formation (region of the ventral tegmental nucleus) in the cat. Brain Research Bulletin 22:665-688, 1989.
Muizelaar JP, Marmarou A, De Salles AAF, Ward JD, Zimmerman RS, Zhongchao L, Choi SC, Young HF.: Cerebral blood flow and metabolism in severely head-injured children. Part I: Relation with GCS, Outcome, ICP and PVI. J Neurosurg 71:63-71,1989.
Asfora WT, De Salles AAF, Abe M, Kjellberg RN.: Pure pathological laughing and crying with occult brain stem vascular malformation. Case report. J Neurosurg Neurol Neuropsychiatry 52:523-525, 1989.
Rabow L, Cook D, De Salles AAF, Lipper MH, Gruemer H, Marmarou A, Becker DP.: Relationship Between Attenuation Changes on CT and Posttraumatic CSF-CKBB-Activity in severely head-injured patients. In: Intracranial Pressure VII. Eds.: J.T. Hoff and A.L. Betz. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989. pp 709-711.
Ward JD, Choi S, Marmarou A, Moulton R, Muizelaar JP, De Salles AAF, Becker DP, Kontos HA, Young HF.: Effects of prophylactic hyperventilation on outcome in patients with severe head injury. In Intracranial Pressure VII. Eds: J.T. Hoff and A.L. Betz. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989. pp 630-633.
Rabow L, Cook D, Lipper MH, De Salles AAF, Gruemer HD, Marmarou A, Becker DP.: Relationship between CT attenuation changes and post-traumatic CSF-CKBB-activity after severe head injury in man. Acta Neurochirurgica 100:155-157, 1989.
Hariz MI, Bergenheim AT, De Salles AAF, Rabow L, Trojanowski T.: Percutaneous stereotactic brain tumor biopsy and cyst aspiration with a non-invasive frame. British Journal of Neurosurgery 4:397-406, 1990.
Abe M, Asfora WT, De Salles AAF, Kjellberg RN: Cerebellar venous angioma associated with angiographically occult brain stem vascular malformation. Report of two cases. Surg Neurol 33:400-403, 1990.
Dresel SH-J, Mackey JK, Lufkin RB, Jabour BA, De Salles AAF, Layfield LJ, Duckwiler GR, Becker DP, Bentson JR, Hanafee WN.: Meckel cave lesions: Percutaneous fine-needle-aspiration biopsy cytology. Radiology 179:579-581, 1991.
Anzai Y, De Salles AAF, Black KL, Sinha S, Farahani K, Behnke E, Castro DJ, Lufkin RB: Interventional MR Imaging. RadioGraphics 13:897-904, 1993.
De Salles AAF: Radiosurgical treatment of brain lesions (Epitome). Western J Med 159:181-182, 1993
Manchola I, De Salles AAF, Kok Foo T, Ackerman RH, Candia GT, Kjellberg RN.: Arteriovenous malformation hemodynamics. A transcranial Doppler study. Neurosurgery 33:556-562, 1993.
De Salles AAF, Bajada CL, Goetsch S, Selch M, Holly FE, Solberg T, Becker, DP: Radiosurgery of cavernous sinus tumors. Acta Neurochir 58:101-103, 1993.
De Salles AAF, Bittar G: Thalamic pain syndrome: anatomical and metabolic correlation. Surg Neurol 41: 147-51, 1994.
De Salles AAF, Hariz M, Bajada CL, Bergenheim T, Selch M, Holly FE, Solberg T, Becker DP: Comparison between radiosurgery and stereotactic fractionated radiation for the treatment of brain metastases. Acta Neurochirurgia 58: 115-118, 1993.
De Salles AAF, Manchola I: CO2 reactivity in arteriovenous malformations of the brain: A transcranial Doppler ultrasound study. J Neurosurg 80: 624-630, 1994.
Solberg TD, De Salles AAF, Holly FE: A universal, multi-modality localization system for animal radiosurgery. Acta Neurochir 62:21-25, 1994.
Selch MT, Shimizu KT, De Salles AAF, Sutton C, Parker RG: Primary central nervous system lymphoma. Am J Clin Oncol 17(4): 286-293, 1994.
Bergsneider M, Frazee JG, De Salles AAF: Thalamostriate artery aneurysm within the third ventricle: Case report. J Neurosurg 81:463-465, 1994.
Bajada C, Selch M, De Salles AAF, Goetsch S, Juillard G, Solberg T, Parker R: Application of stereotactic radiosurgery to the head and neck region. Acta Neurochir 62:1-4, 1994.
De Salles AAF, Bajada C, Goetsch S, King WA, Becker DP, Black KL, Selch M, Holly FE: Radiosurgery planning for skull base tumors. In Samii M (ed): Skull Base Surgery. Kager, 1994, pp 33-37.
De Salles AAF, Brekhus SD, De Souza EC, Behnke EJ, Farahani K, Anzai Y, Lufkin R: Early postoperative appearance of radiofrequency lesions on magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosurgery 36 (May):932-936, 1995.
Anzai Y, Lufkin R, De Salles AAF, Hamilton DR, Farahani K, Black KL: Preliminary experience with MR-guided thermal ablation of brain tumors. AJNR 16:39-48, 1995.
Prager JP, De Salles AAF, Wilkinson A, Jacobs M, Csete M: Loin pain hematuria syndrome: Pain relief with intrathecal morphine. Amer J of Kidney Diseases 25:629-631, 1995.
Solberg TD, Holly FE, De Salles AAF, Wallace RE, Smathers JB: Implications of tissue heterogeneity for radiosurgery in head and neck tumors. Intl J Rad Onc Biol Phys 32:235-239, 1995.
De Salles AAF, Swartz BE, Lee TT, Delgado-Escueta AV: Subdural recording and electrical stimulation for cortical mapping and induction of usual seizures. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurg 62:226-231, 1994.
Huang AY, Lufkin RB, Anzai Y, Hamilton DR, De Salles AAF, Sinha S, Farahani K, Behnke E, Black KL: Interventional MRI for neurosurgery. Perspectives in Neurological Surgery vol 6(1):44-59, 1995.
Farahani K, Mischel PS, Black KL, De Salles AAF, Anzai Y, Lufkin RB: Hyperacute thermal lesions: MR imaging evaluation of development in the brain. Radiology 196:517-520, 1995.
Anzai Y, Lufkin R, De Salles AAF, Farahani K, Huang A, Sinha S, Behke E, Black K: Radiofrequency ablation of brain tumours using MR guidance. Min Invas Ther & Allied Technol 5: 232-242, 1996.
Melega WP, Raleigh MJ, Stout DB, De Salles AAF, Cherry SR, Blurton-Jones M, Grenvill GM, Huang S-C: Longitudinal behavioral and 6-[18F] Fluoro-L-DOPA-PET assessment in MPTP-hemiparkinsonian monkeys. Experimental Neurology 141:318-329, 1996.
De Salles AAF, Solberg T, Mischel P, Massoud TF, Plasencia A, Goetsch S, De Souza E, Vinuela F: Arteriovenous malformation animal model for radiosurgery: The rete mirabile. Am J Neuroradiology 17: 1451-1458, 1996.
De Salles AAF: Role of stereotaxis in the treatment of cerebral palsy. J of Child Neurology 11:S43-S50, 1996.
Swartz BE, Rich JR, Dwan PS, De Salles AAF, Kaufman M, Walsh GO, Delgado-Escueta AV: The safety and efficacy of chronically implanted subdural electrodes: A prospective study. Surgical Neurology 46 (1): 87-93, 1996.
Frazee JG, King WA, De Salles AAF, Bergsneider M: Endoscopic-assisted clipping of cerebral aneurysms. J Stroke and Cerebrovasc Dis 6:240-241, 1997.
Hariz MI, De Salles AAF: The side-effects and complications of posteroventral pallidotomy. Acta Neurochirurgica 68: 42-48, 1997.
De Salles AAF: Radiosurgery for arteriovenous malformations of the brain. J Stroke and Cerebrovascular Dis 6:277-281, 1997.
Dionisio JD, Cardenas AF, Lufkin RB, De Salles AAF, Black KL, Taira RK, Chu WW: A multimedia database system for thermal ablation therapy of brain tumors. J Digital Imaging 10(1):21-26, 1997.
Lim JY, De Salles AAF, Bronstein J, Masterman D, Saver JL: Delayed internal capsule infarctions following radiofrequency pallidotomy. J Neurosurg 87:955-960, 1997.
Sanders VJ, Felisan SL, Waddell AE, Conrad AJ, Schmid P, Swartz BE, Kaufman M, Walsh GO, De Salles AAF, Tourtellotte WW: Preliminary study: Presence of herpes simplex DNA in surgical tissue from human epileptic seizure foci detected by polymerase chain reaction. Arch Neurology 54(8): 954-960, 1997.
De Salles AAF, Solberg T, Medin P, Vassilev V, Cabatan-Awang C, Selch M: Linear accelerator radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia. Radiosurgery 2:173-182, 1997
Alexander MJ, De Salles AAF, Tomiyasu U: Radiation-induced intracranial ependymoma: Case report and review of the literature. J Neurosurg 88:111-115, 1998.
Johnson JJ, Ahn SS, Choi WC, Masciopinto JE, Kim KD, Filler AG, De Salles AAF: Thoracoscopic sympathectomy: techniques and outcomes. Neursurg Focus 4:(2)article 4, online,1998.
Solberg TD, Medin PM, DeMarco JJ, De Salles AAF, Selch MT: Technical aspects of Linac radiosurgery for functional targets. J Radiosurgery 1(2):115-127, 1998
Lim J, De Salles AAF: Long term aspect of pallidotomy lesions on the magnetic resonance. Stereotaoctic Funct Neurosurg 69:46-53, 1997
Selch MT, De Salles AAF, Goetsch SJ, Holly FE, Quinn B, Bycott PW, Solberg TD, Wallace RE, Becker DP, Withers HR: Single-fraction radiosurgery for primary and recurrent malignant Gliomas. J. Radiosurgery 1:155-168, 1998
Masterman D, De Salles A, Baloh RW, Behnke E, Foti D, Frysinger R, Cabatan-Awang C, Hoetzel A, Fairbanks L, Bronstein JM: Motor, cognitive and behavioral performance following unilateral ventroposterior pallidotomy for Parkinson’s disease. Arch Neurol 55:1201-1208, 1998
Solberg TD, De Marco JJ, Holly FE, Smathers JB, De Salles AF: Monte Carlo treatment planning for stereotactic radiosurgery. Radiotherapy and Oncology 49:73-84, 1998
Sun B, De Salles AAF, Medin P, Solberg T, Hoebel B, Felder-Allen M, Wie C-W, Ackerman R: Reduction of hippocampal-kindled seizure activity in rats by stereotactic radiosurgery. Experimental Neurology, 154:691-695, 1998.
Swartz BE, Delgado-Escueta AV, Walsh GO, Rich JR, Dwan PS, De Salles AAF, Kaufman MH: Surgical outcomes in pure frontal lobe epilepsy and foci that mimic them. Epilepsy Res. 29(2):97-108, 1998
Solberg TD, Selch MT, De Salles AAF: Fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery: Rational and methods. Medical Dosimetry 32(3), 290-219, 1998.
Solberg TD, Ford MJ, Medin PM, Moshimura R, Suntornpong N, Cabatan-Awang C, Minyard PA, Hagio MAA, Scalan JA, Fogg R, Selch MT, De Salles AAF: Reproducibility of frame positioning for fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery. J Radiosurgery 2:57-64, 1999.
Bronstein JM, De Salles A, DeLong MR.: Stereotactic pallidotomy in the treatment of Parkinson disease: an expert opinion. Arch Neurol. 1999 Sep;56(9):1064-9. Review.
Farahani K, Mischel PS, Black KL, De Salles AAF, Anzai Y, Lufkin RB: MRI of thermally denatured blood: Methemoglobin formation and relaxation effects. J Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 178:1489-1494, 1999
Chenery SG, Massoudi F, De Salles AAF, Davis DM, Chehabi HH, Adler RD: Clinical experience with the Cyberknife at Newport radiosurgery center. Radiosurgery 3:34-40, 1999
Solberg TD, Fogg R, Selch MT, De Salles AAF: Conformal radiosurgery using a dedicated linac and micro-multileaf collimator. Radiosurgery 3:53-63, 99
Plasencia AR, De Salles AAF, Do T, Cabatan-Awang C, Solberg T, Vinuela F, Selch M: Combined Embolization and Stereotactic Radiosurgery for the Treatment of Large Volume, High Risk Arteriovenous Malformations. Radiosurgery 3:161-167, 1999
De Salles AAF, Sun B, Solberg T, Cabatan-Awang C, Ford J, Selch M: Factors Relating to Radiation Injury after Radiosurgery of Arteriovenous Malformations of the Brain. Radiosurgery 3:168-172, 1999
Mobin F, De Salles AAF, Behnke EJ, Frysinger R: Correlation between MRI-based stereotactic thalamic deep brain stimulator placement, macroelectrode stimulation and clinical response to tremor control. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 72:225-232, 1999
Melega WP, Lacan G, De Salles AAF, Huang SC, Phelps ME: Long term methamphetamine-induced decreases of [11C] WIN 35,428 binding in striatum are reduced by GDNF: PET studies in the Vervet Monkey. Synapse 35:243-249, 2000
Selch MT, De Salles AAF, Solberg TD, Wallace RE, Do TM, Ford J, Cabatan-Awang C, Withers HR: Hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for recurrent malignant gliomas. J Radiosurgery 3:3-12, 2000
Mobin F, De Salles AAF, Abdelaziz O, Cabatan-Awang C, Solberg T, Selch M: Stereotactic radiosurgery of cerebral arteriovenous malformations: appearance of perinidal T2 hyperintensity signal as a predictor of favorable treatment response. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 73:50-59, 1999
Melega WP, Lacan G, De Salles AA, Phelps ME.Long-term methamphetamine-induced decreases of [(11)C]WIN 35,428 binding in striatum are reduced by GDNF: PET studies in the vervet monkey.Synapse. 2000 Mar 15;35(4):243-9.
Massoud TF, Hademenos GJ, De Salles AAF, Solberg T: Experimental radiosurgery simulations using a theoretical model of cerebral arteriovenous malformations. Stroke. 2000 Oct;31(10):2466-77.
Solberg TD, Boedeker KL, Fogg R, Selch MT, De Salles AAF: Dynamic arc Radiosurgery field shaping: a comparison with static field conformal and noncoplanar circular arcs. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2001 Apr 1;49(5):1481-91.
Intemann P, Subramanian I, Masterman D, De Salles AAF, Behnke, Frysinger R, Bronstein JM: Staged bilateral pallidotomy in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Neurosurgery 94:437-44, 2001
De Salles AAF, Melega WP, Lacan G, Steele LH, Solberg TD: Radiosurgery with a 3mm collimator in the subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra of the vervet monkey. J Neurosurg 95:990-997, 2001
De Salles AAF, Frighetto L, Grande CV, Solberg TD, Cabatan-Awang C, Selch M, Wallace R, Ford J: Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Radiotherapy of Skull Base Meningiomas: Proposal of a Grading System. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 76: 218-229, 2001
Selch MT, De Salles AAF, Wade M, Lee SP, Solberg TD, Wallace RE, Ford JM, Rubino G, Cabatan-Awang C, Withers HR: Initial clinical results of stereotactic radiotherapy for treatment of craniopharyngiomas. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 1:51-59, 2002
Medin PM, Solberg TD, De Salles AAF, Cagnon CH, Selch MT, Johnson JP, Smathers JB, Cosman ER: Investigations of a minimally invasive method for treatment of spinal malignances with linac stereotactic radiation therapy: accuracy and animal studies. Int J Radiation Oncology Biol Phys 52(4)1111-1122, 2002
Ford J, Lan HW, Selch M, De Salles A, Solberg T, Wallace R, Cabatan-Awang C, Wang HY: Prognostic factors for patients with cerebral metastases treated with stereotactic radiosurgery: comparison with RTOG recursive partitioning analysis of patients treated with whole brain irradiation. Radiosurgery 4:143-151, 2002
Chitapanarux I, Goss B, Vontagma R, Frighetto L, De Salles AAF, Selch M, Duick M, Solberg T, Wallace R, Cabatan-Awang C, Ford J: Prospective study of stereotactic radiosurgery without whole brain radiotherapy in patients with four or less brain metastases: Incidence of intracranial progression and salvage radiotherapy Journal of Neurooncology 61:143-149, 2003.
Frighetto L, De Salles AAF, Behnke E, Smith ZA, Chute D: Frameless image-guided stereotactic biopsy of parasellar lesions. J Neurosurg 98(4):920-5, 2003
Torres R, Frighetto L, De Salles AAF , Medin P, Ford J, Solberg T , Selch MT: Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Meningioma. Neurosurgery in Focus. Neurosurg Focus 14 (5):Article 5, 2003
Sage JR, Anagnostaras SG, Mitchell S, Bronstein JM, De Salles A, Masterman D, Knowlton BJ. Analysis of probabilistic classification learning in patients with Parkinson's disease before and after pallidotomy surgery. Learn Mem. 10(3):226-36, 2003
Bryant J, De Salles AAF, et al: The impact of thalamic stimulation on activities of daily living for essential tremor. Surgical Neurology Surg Neurol. 2003 Jun;59(6):479-84; discussion 484-5.
Selch MT, De Salles AAF, Kelly DF, Frighetto L, Vinters H, Cabatan-Awang C, Solberg TD: Stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment of lymphocytic hypophysitis: Report of two cases. J Neurosurg 99:591-596, 2003
Smith ZA, De Salles AAF, Frighetto L, Wallace R, Cabatan-Awang C, Selch MT, Solberg T: Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery for the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia. J Neurosurgery 99:511-516, 2003
Goss BS, Frighetto L, De Salles AAF, Smith Z, Solberg T Selch M: Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery Using 90Gy For Essential Trigeminal Neuralgia: Results and Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) Analysis. Neurosurgery 53:823-830, 2003
Selch MT, Ahn E, Laskari A, Lee SP, Agazaryan N, Solberg TD, Cabatan-Awang C, Frighetto L, De Salles AAF: Stereotactic radiotherapy for treatment of cavernous sinus meningioma. Int J Radiation Oncology Biol Phys 59:101-11, 2004.
Frighetto L, De Salles AAF, Cabatan-Awang C, Ford J, Solberg T, Selch MT: Linear Accelerator Thalamotomy. Surg Neurol. 2004 Aug;62(2):106-13; discussion 113-4.
Frighetto L, De Salles AAF, Smith ZA, Goss B, Selch M, Solberg T: Non-invasive treatment of trigeminal neuralgia using a dedicated linear accelerator. Neurology. 2004 Feb 24;62(4):660-2.
Golish SR, De Salles AAF, Yap C, Solberg TD: Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases and cerebral FDG positron emission tomography. Kondziolka D (ed): Radiosurgery. Basel, Karger, 2004, vol 5, pp 46–50
Pedroso AG, De Salles AAF, Frighetto L, Torres RC, Solberg T, Medin P, Cabatan-Awang C, Selch M: Preliminary Novalis experience in the treatment of skull base chordomas with stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy. Radiosurgery
Torres RC, De Salles AAF, Frighetto L, Pedroso A, Goss B,, Medin P, Solberg T, Ford JM, Selch M: Long term followup using linac radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy as minimally invasive treatment of intracranial meningiomas. Radiosurgery
De Salles AAF, Frighetto L, Behnke E, Sinha S, Bronstein J, Torres R, Subramanian I, Cabatan-Awang C, Frysinger R: Functional Neurosurgery in the MRI Environment. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2004 Oct;47(5):284-9.
De Salles AAF, Pedroso AG, Medin P, Agazaryan N, Solberg, T, Cabatan-Awang C, Espinosa DM, Ford J, Selch MT: Novalis Shaped Beam and Intensity Modulated Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Spine Lesions J Neurosurg. 2004 Nov;101 Suppl 3:435-40.
Solberg TD, Goetsch SJ, Selch MT, Melega W, Lacan G, De Salles AA. Functional stereotactic radiosurgery involving a dedicated linear accelerator and gamma unit: a comparison study. J Neurosurg. 2004 Nov;101 Suppl 3:373-80.
Selch MT, Pedroso A, Lee SP, Solberg TD, Agazaryan N, Cabatan-Awang C, De Salles AA. Stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment of acoustic neuromas. J Neurosurg. 2004 Nov;101 Suppl 3:362-72.
Pedroso AG, De Salles AA, Tajik K, Golish R, Smith Z, Frighetto L, Solberg T, Cabatan-Awang C, Selch MT. Novalis Shaped Beam Radiosurgery of arteriovenous malformations. J Neurosurg. 2004 Nov;101 Suppl 3:425-34.
Lee WY M, De Salles AAF, Frighetto L, Torres R, Behnke E, Bronstein J: Imaging techniques and electrode fixation methods for deep brain stimulation – Intraoperative MRI 0.2T, 1.5 T and fluoroscopy. Minimally Invas Neurosurgery 48:1-6, 2005
Chaves G, Pedroso A, Espinosa D, Villablanca P: Three-dimensional fast imaging e Chaves-Chaves GDL, De Salles AAF, Solberg TD, Selch MT, Cabatan-Awang employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA) MRI for stereotactic radiosurgery of trigeminal neuralgia. Neurosurgery Mar;56(3):628; . 2005.
Gorgulho A, De Salles AAF, Frighetto L, Benhke, E: Incidence of hemorrhage related to electrophysiological studies with macroelectrode and microelectrode in functional surgery. J Neurosurgery 102(5):888-896, 2005
Dusick JR, Esposito F, Kelly DF, Cohon P, De Salles A, Becker DP, Martin NA:The extended direct endonasal transphenoidal approach for non-adenomatous suprasellar tumors. J Neurosurgery 102:832-841, 2005
Esposito F, Kelly D, Vinters H, De Salles A, Sercarz J, Pedroso A. Primary Sphenoid Sinus Neoplasms: A Report of Four Cases Treated with Transphenoidal Surgery and Adjuvant Therapies. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 10.1007/s 11069-005-7285, 2005
Gorgulho A, De Salles AAF, Tseng L, Behnke E, Krahl S, Mattozo.: GPi and VIM Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) with and without Microelectrode recording (MER): A comparison from the same center. Steretotactic and Functional Neurosurgery F6140059:153-159, 2005.
Selch MT, Gorgulho A, Mattozo C, Solberg TD, Cabatan-Awang C, DeSalles AA. Linear accelerator stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of gelastic seizures due to hypothalamic hamartoma. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2005 Oct;48(5):310-4.
Cohen-Gadol AA, Laws ER, Spencer DD, De Salles AA. The evolution of Harvey Cushing's surgical approach to pituitary tumors from transsphenoidal to transfrontal. J Neurosurg. 2005 Aug;103(2):372-7.
Min Kim S, Hwang HS, De Salles AAF. Shift of the Brain during Functional Neurosurgery J Korean Neurosurg Soc 38 : 359-365, 2005.
Jahan R, Solberg TD, Lee D, Medin P, Tateshima S, Sayre J, De Salles A, Vinters HV, Vinuela F: Stereotoactic Radiosurgery of the rete mirabile in swine: a longitudinal study of histopathological changes. Neurosurgery. 2006 Mar;58(3):551-8; discussion 551-8.
Swartz BE, Houser CR, Tomiyasu U, De Salles AAF, et al: Hippocampal cell loss in posttraumatic human epilepsy. Epilepsia 47:1373-1382, 2006
Shields DC, Lam S, Gorgulho A, Emerson J, Krahl SE, Malkasian D, De Salles AA: Eyelid apraxia associated with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation. Neurology 66:1451-1452, 2006
Selch MT, Gorgulho A, Lee SP, De Salles AA, et al: Stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment of pituitary adenomas. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 49:150-155, 2006
Handforth A, De Salles AA, Krahl SE: Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus as adjunct treatment for refractory epilepsy. Epilepsia 47:1239-1241, 2006
Esposito F, Kelly DF, Vinters HV, De Salles AA et al: Primary sphenoid sinus neoplasms: a report of four cases with common clinical presentation treated with transsphenoidal surgery and adjuvant therapies. J Neurooncol 76:299-306, 2006
Gorgulho A, De Salles AA, McArthur D, et al: Brainstem and trigeminal nerve changes after radiosurgery for trigeminal pain. Surg Neurol 66:127-135; discussion 135, 2006
Gorgulho AA, De Salles AA: Impact of radiosurgery on the surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Surg Neurol 66:350-356, 2006
Mattozo CA, De Salles AA, Klement IA, Gorgulho A, McArthur D, Ford JM, Agazaryan N, Kelly DF, Selch MT. Stereotactic radiation treatment for recurrent nonbenign meningiomas.J Neurosurg. 2007 May;106(5):846-54.
Jahan R, Solberg TD, Lee D, Medin P, Tateshima S, De Salles A, Sayre J, Vinters HV, Viñuela F. An arteriovenous malformation model for stereotactic radiosurgery research. Neurosurgery. 2007 Jul;61(1):152-9; discussion 159.
De Salles A, Gorgulho A, Golish S, Medin P, Malkasian D, Solberg T, Selch M: Technical and anatomical aspects of novalis stereotactic radiosurgery sphenopalatine ganglionectomy International Journal of Radiation OncologyBiologyPhysics, Volume 66, Issue 4, Pages S53-S57, 2006
Shields DC, Gorgulho A, Behnke E, Malkasian D, De Salles AA: Contralateral conjugate eye deviation during deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus. J Neurosurg. 2007 107:37-42.
Laćan G, De Salles AA, Gorgulho AA, Krahl SE, Frighetto L, Behnke EJ, Melega WP. Modulation of food intake following deep brain stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus in the vervet monkey. Laboratory investigation. J Neurosurg. 2008 Feb;108(2):336-42.
Agazaryan N, Tenn SE, De Salles AA, Selch MT. Image-guided radiosurgery for spinal tumors: methods, accuracy and patient intrafraction motion.Phys Med Biol. 2008 Mar 21;53(6):1715-27. Epub 2008 Mar 7.
Fatemi N, Dusick JR, Gorgulho AA, Mattozo CA, Moftakhar P, De Salles AA, Kelly DF. Endonasal microscopic removal of clival chordomas. Surg Neurol. 2008 Apr;69(4):331-8. Epub 2008 Jan 30.
De Salles AAF, Gorgulho A, Selch M, De Marco J, Agazaryan N. Radiosurgery from the Brain to the Spine: 20 years Experience. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;101:163-8.
Hauptman JS, De Salles AAF, Espinoza R, Sedrak M, Ishida W: Potential surgical targets for deep brain stimulation in treatment-resistant depression. Neurosurg Focus 25 (1):E3, 2008
Sedrak M, Gorgulho A, De Salles A, Frew A, Behnke E, Ishida W, Klochov T, Malkasian D. The Role of Modern Imaging Modalities on Deep Brain Stimulation Targeting for Mental Illness. Acta Neurochir. Suppl 2008;101:3-7.
Gorgulho A, Julliard C, Uslan D, Pegues D, Takauyn K, Aurasteh P, Behnke E, De Salles AAF: Infection following deep brain stimulator implantation performed in the conventional versus in the MRI operating room. Journal of Neurosurgery. 110(2) 239-246, 2009.
Weaver FM, Follett K, Stern M, Hur K, Harris C, Marks WJ Jr, Rothlind J, Sagher O, Reda D, Moy CS, Pahwa R, Burchiel K, Hogarth P, Lai EC, Duda JE, Holloway K, Samii A, Horn S, Bronstein J, Stoner G, Heemskerk J, Huang GD; CSP 468 Study Group De Salles AAF. Bilateral deep brain stimulation vs best medical therapy for patients with advanced Parkinson disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2009 Jan 7;301(1):63-73.
Gorgulho AA, Shields DD, Malkasian D, Behnke E; DeSalles AAF: Stereotactic coordinates associated with facial musculature contraction during high frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus. Journal of Neurosurgery 110(6):1317-1321, 2009.
Zrinzo L, van Hulzen A, Gorgulho AA, Foltynie T, Limousin PD, Staal MJ, De Salles AAF, Hariz MI - Avoiding the Ventricle: A Simple Step to Improving Accuracy of Anatomical Targeting During Deep Brain Stimulation - Journal of Neurosurgery 110(6):1283-1290, 2009
Langevin JP, De Salles AA, Kosoyan HP, Krahl SE. Deep brain stimulation of the amygdala alleviates post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in a rat model. J Psychiatr Res. 2010 May 25. [Epub ahead of print]
Follett KA, Weaver FM, Stern M, Hur K, Harris CL, Luo P, Marks WJ Jr, Rothlind J, Sagher O, Moy C, Pahwa R, Burchiel K, Hogarth P, Lai EC, Duda JE, Holloway K, Samii A, Horn S, Bronstein JM, Stoner G, Starr PA, Simpson R, Baltuch G, De Salles A, Huang GD, Reda DJ; CSP 468 Study Group. Pallidal versus subthalamic deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease. N Engl J Med. 2010 Jun 3;362(22):2077-91.
Fisher R, Salanova V, Witt T, Worth R, Henry T, Gross R, Oommen K, Osorio I, Nazzaro J, Labar D, Kaplitt M, Sperling M, Sandok E, Neal J, Handforth A, Stern J, De Salles A, Chung S, Shetter A, Bergen D, Bakay R, Henderson J, French J, Baltuch G, Rosenfeld W, Youkilis A, Marks W, Garcia P, Barbaro N, Fountain N, Bazil C, Goodman R, McKhann G, Babu Krishnamurthy K, Papavassiliou S, Epstein C, Pollard J, Tonder L, Grebin J, Coffey R, Graves N; SANTE Study Group. Electrical stimulation of the anterior nucleus of thalamus for treatment of refractory epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2010 May;51(5):899-908. Epub 2010 Mar 17.
Yuki I, Kim RH, Duckwiler G, Jahan R, Tateshima S, Gonzalez N, Gorgulho A, Diaz JL, De Salles AA, Viñuela F. Treatment of brain arteriovenous malformations with high-flow arteriovenous fistulas: risk and complications associated with endovascular embolization in multimodality treatment. J Neurosurg. 2010 Oct;113(4):715-22.
De Paiva Neto MA, Vanderbrift A, Fatemi N, Gorgulho AA, De Salles AA, Cohan P, Wang C, Swerdloff R, Kelly DF: Endonasal transphenoidal surgery and multimodality treatment for giant pituitary adenomas. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2009 Jun 25 Epub (ahead of print)
Selch MT, Lin K, Agazaryan N, Tenn S, Gorgulho A, Demarco JJ, De Salles AA: Initial clinical Expeprience with image-guided linear accelerator-based spinal radiosurgery for treatment of benign nerve sheath tumors. Surg Neurol Jul 12 2009, (ahead of print)
Barkhoudarian G, Klochkov T, Sedrak M, Frew A, Gorgulho A, Behnke E, De Salles A: A role of diffusion tensor imaging in movement disorder surgery. Acta Neurochir (Wien).2010 Jul 21. [Epub ahead of print]
Xiao F, Gorgulho AA, Lin CS, Chen CH, Agazaryan N, Viñuela F, Selch MT, De Salles AA: Treatment of giant cerebral arteriovenous malformation: hypofractionated stereotactic radiation as the first stage. Neurosurgery. 2010 Nov;67(5):1253-9; discussion 1259.
Lemaire JJ, Frew AJ, McArthur D, Gorgulho AA,. Alge JRr, Salomon N, Chen C, Behnke EJ, De Salles AAF: White Matter Connectivity of Human Hypothalamus. Brain Research Brain Res., 2011 Jan 31;1371:43-64. Epub 2010 Nov 29.
Sedrak M, Gorgulho A, Bari A, Behnke E, Frew A, Gevorkyan I, Pouratian N, De Salles A. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and colored fractional anisotropy (FA) mapping of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and the globus pallidus interna (GPi). Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2010 Dec;152(12):2079-84. Epub 2010 Oct 3.
Sedrak M, Gorgulho A, Frew A, Behnke E, De Salles A, Pouratian N. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Colored Fractional Anisotropy (FA) Mapping of the Ventralis Intermedius (VIM) Nucleus of the Thalamus. Neurosurgery. 2011 Jun 18. [Epub)
Smith ZA, Gorgulho AA, Bezrukiy N, McArthur D, Agazaryan N, Selch MT, De Salles AA. Dedicated Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Single-Center Experience in 179 Patients with Varied Dose Prescriptions and Treatment Plans. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011 Jan 13. [Epub ahead of print]
Bystritsky A, Korb AS, Douglas PK, Cohen MS, Melega WP, Mulgaonkar AP, De Salles A, Min BK, Yoo SS. A review of low-intensity focused ultrasound pulsation. Brain Stimul. 2011 Jul;4(3):125-36. Epub 2011 Apr 1.
Pezeshkian P, De Salles AAF, GorgulhoA, Behnke E, McArthur D, Bari A: Accuracy of Frame-Based Stereotactic Intraoperative MRI versus Frame-Based Stereotactic Intraoperative Head CT merged with recent MRI for DBS target localization. Neurosurgery. 2011 Jun 30. [Epub ahead of print]
Yang I, Kim W, De Salles A, Bergsneider M. A systematic analysis of disease control in acromegaly treated with radiosurgery. Neurosurg Focus. 2010 Oct;29(4):E13
Soleymani T, Pieton d, Pezeshkian P, Miller P, Gougulho A. De Salles A. Surgical Approaches to Tinnitus Treatment – Review and Novel Approaches. Surgical Neurology International 2011 (Epub ahead of print)
Hauptman JS, Barkhoudarian G, Safaee M, Gorgulho A, Tenn S, Agazaryan N, Selch M, De Salles AA. Challenges in Linear Accelerator Radiotherapy for Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base: Focus on Complications. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011 Dec 2. [Epub ahead of print]
Smith ZA, Yang I, Gorgulho A, Raphael D, De Salles AA, Khoo LT.Emerging techniques in the minimally invasive treatment and management of thoracic spine tumors. J Neurooncol. 2011 Nov 18.
Lin CS, Selch MT, Lee SP, Wu JK, Xiao F, Hong DS, Chen CH, Hussain A, Lee PP, De Salles AA. Accelerator-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brainstem Metastases. Neurosurgery. 2011 Oct 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Lizarraga KJ, De Salles AA. Multiple cavernous malformations presenting in a patient with Poland syndrome: A case report. J Med Case Reports. 2011 Sep 20;5(1):469.
Melega WP, Lacan G, Gorgulho AA, Behnke EJ, De Salles AAF (2012) Hypothalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Reduces Weight Gain in an Obesity-Animal Model. PLoS ONE 7(1): e30672. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030672
Mulgankar AP, Singh RS, Babakhanian M, Culjat MO, Grundfest WS, Gorgulho A, Lacan G, De Salles AA, Bystritsky A, Melega WP: A prototype stimulator system for noninvasive low intensity focused ultrasound delivery. Stud Health Technol Infor. 2012;173:297-303.
Gomez C, Wu J, Pope W, Vinters H, De Salles AA, Selch M: Pineocytoma with diffuse dissemination to the leptomeninges. Rare Tumors 2011 Oct 23;3(4):e53 Epub 2011
*Lizarraga KJ, Gorgulho A, Lee SP, Rauscher G, Selch MT, DeSalles AA. Stereotactic radiation therapy for progressive residual pilocytic astrocytomas. J Neurooncol. 2012 May 27. [Epub ahead of print]
Taw BB, Gorgulho AA, Selch MT, De Salles AA. Radiation options for high-grade gliomas. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2012 Apr;23(2):259-67, viii. Epub 2012 Feb 28. PMID: 22440869 [PubMed - in process]
Yang I, Spasic M, Pezeshkian P, Fong BM, Choy W, Gorgulho AA, Selch MT, De Salles A. Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT) is Associated with Improved Rates of Hearing Preservation for Patients with Vestibular Schwannoma. Neurosurgery. 2012 Aug;71(2):E573
Weaver FM, Follett KA, Stern M, Luo P, Harris CL, Hur K, Marks WJ Jr, Rothlind J, Sagher O, Moy C, Pahwa R, Burchiel K, Hogarth P, Lai EC, Duda JE, Holloway K, Samii A, Horn S, Bronstein JM, Stoner G, Starr PA, Simpson R, Baltuch G, De Salles A, Huang GD, Reda DJ; CSP 468 Study Group. . Randomized trial of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease: thirty-six-month outcomes. Neurology. 2012 Jul 3;79(1):55-65
Fong BM, Pezeshkian P, Nagasawa DT, De Salles A, Gopen Q, Yang I. Hearing preservation after LINAC radiosurgery and LINAC radiotherapy for vestibular schwannoma. J Clin Neurosci. 2012 Aug;19(8):1065-70.
Selch MT, Tenn S, Agazaryan N, Lee SP, Gorgulho A, De Salles AA. Image-guided linear accelerator-based spinal radiosurgery for hemangioblastoma. Surg Neurol Int. 2012;3:73. doi: 10.4103/2152-7806.98386. Epub 2012 Jul 14.
Lemaire JJ, Nezzar H, Sakka L, Boirie Y, Fontaine D, Coste A, Coll G, Sontheimer A, Sarret C, Gabrillargues J, De Salles A. Maps of the adult human hypothalamus. Surg Neurol Int. 2013 Apr 17;4(Suppl 3):S156-63.
De Salles AA, Gorgulho AA, Pereira JL, McLaughlin N. Intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery: concepts and techniques. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2013 Oct;24(4):491-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nec.2013.07.001.
Choy W, Spasic M, Pezeshkian P, Fong BM, Nagasawa DT, Trang A, Mathur I, De Salles A, Gorgulho A, Selch M, Gopen QS, Yang I. Outcomes of stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment of vestibular schwannoma. Neurosurgery. 2013 Aug;60 Suppl 1:120-5.
Kim W, De Salles A, Pouratian N. Preface. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2014 Jan;25(1):xv-xvi. doi: 10.1016/j.nec.2013.10.003
Gorgulho AA, Pereira JL, Krahl S, Lemaire JJ, De Salles A. Neuromodulation for eating disorders: obesity and anorexia. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2014 Jan;25(1):147-57. doi: 10.1016/j.nec.2013.08.005. Epub 2013 Oct 25.
Lam S, Langevin JP, Malkasian D, Gorgulho A, De Salles A. Deep brain stimulator-induced diaphoresis in Parkinson's disease patients J Clin Neurosci. 2013 Aug 9. pii: S0967-5868(13)00432-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2013.07.012. [Epub ahead of print]
Pereira JL, Downes A, Gorgulho A, Patel V, Malkasian D, De Salles A. Alzheimer's disease: The role for neurosurgery.Surg Neurol Int. 2014 Sep 5;5(Suppl 8):S385-90.
Lizarraga KJ, De Salles AA, Chen W.¹⁸F-fluorodopa positron-emission tomography: an emerging imaging modality for patients with brain metastases. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2014 Jul;11(4):327-9.
Langevin JP, Srikandarajah N, Krahl SE, Gorgulho A, Behnke E, Malkasian D, De Salles AA. Eyelid apraxia associated with deep brain stimulation of the periaqueductal gray area. J Clin Neurosci. 2014 Sep;21(9):1652-3.
Kim W, De Salles A, Pouratian N. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America. Advances in neuromodulation. Preface. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2014 Jan;25(1):xv-xvi. 5.
Lizarraga KJ, Allen-Auerbach M, Czernin J, De Salles AA, Yong WH, Phelps ME, Chen W.(18)F-FDOPA PET for differentiating recurrent or progressive brain metastatic tumors from late or delayed radiation injury after radiation treatment. J Nucl Med. 2014 Jan;55(1):30-6.
De Salles AA, Gorgulho AA, Pereira JL, McLaughlin N. Intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery: concepts and techniques. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2013 Oct;24(4):491-8
Sharim J, Pezeshkian P, De Salles A, Pouratian N. Effect of Cranial Window Diameter During Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery on Volume of Pneumocephalus. Neuromodulation. 2015 Jul 29. doi: 10.1111/ner.12328. [Epub ahead of print]
Choy W, Terterov S, Kaprealian TB, Trang A, Ung N, DeSalles A, Chung LK, Martin N, Selch M, Bergsneider M, Vinters HV, Yong WH, Yang I.Predictors of recurrence following resection of intracranial chordomas. J Clin Neurosci. 2015 Jul 22. pii: S0967-5868(15)00287-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2015.05.024. [Epub ahead of print]
Yin S, Jin W, De Salles A. Occipital-device-related pain as a complication of deep brain stimulation. Br J Neurosurg. 2015 Jun;29(3):340-2.
Rothlind JC, York MK, Carlson K, Luo P, Marks WJ Jr, Weaver FM, Stern M, Follett K, Reda D; Ippolito D, Stoner G, Barnett T, Bukowski K, DeNicolo R, Hur K, Jimenez J, Motyka J, Simon T, Thakkar B, Woolson R, Fye C, Gagne W, Harris C, Heemskerk J, Moy C, Sheehy P, O'Leary T, Huang GD, Fiore L, Hall R, Stroupe K, Burchiel K, Fye C, Heemskerk J, Hur K, Koller W, Moy C, Pahwa R, Sagher O, Sheehy P, Bakay R, Chappell R, Hart R, Holloway R Jr, McCabe G, Schenkman M, Taha J, Buckelew J, Fye C, Garin M, Matzek S, Smith D, Bronstein J, Duda J, Hogarth P, Holloway K, Horn S, Lai EC, Samii A, Atassi F, Bello C, Bunting-Perry L, Conn T, Cugley A, Eubank N, Fincher L, Franks R, Harris T, Haselman M, Heath S, Hirsch M, Janovsky V, Lanier E, Lloyd M, Loehner S, O'Connor S, Ordonez L, Maccarone H, Massey-Makhoul K, Matthews M, Meyn E, Mimura K, Morrow W, Searles T, Valotta J, Vasthare U, Volz M, Ward C, Warker R, Watson H, Willson P, Baron M, Brodsky M, Calabrese V, Campbell G, Colcher A, Farag E, Henry E, Hou JG, Kang G, Kleiner-Fisman G, Kraakevik J, Nutt J, Ostrem J, Sarwar A, Subramanian I, Vanek Z, Baltuch G, Burchiel K, De Salles A, Eller J, Holloway K, Larson P, Simpson R, Starr P, Carne W, Erikson T, Kreutzer J, Mendez M, Moberg P, Ragland J, Seel R, Soety E, Storzbach D, Troster A, Jaggi J Neuropsychological changes following deep brain stimulation surgery for Parkinson's disease: comparisons of treatment at pallidal and subthalamic targets versus best medical therapy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2015 Jun;86(6):622-9. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2014-308119. Epub 2014 Sep 2.
Gomes JG, Gorgulho AA, de Oliveira López A, Saraiva CW, Damiani LP, Pássaro AM, Salvajoli JV, de Oliveira Siqueira L, Salvajoli BP, De Salles AA. The role of diffusion tensor imaging tractography for Gamma Knife thalamotomy planning. J Neurosurg. 2016 Dec;125(Suppl 1):129-138.
Botelho RD, Imada V, Rodrigues da Costa KJ, Watanabe LC, Rossi Júnior R, De Salles AA, Romano E, Peralta CF. Fetal Myelomeningocele Repair through a Mini-Hysterotomy. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2016 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print]
Lizarraga KJ, Gorgulho A, Chen W, De Salles AA. Molecular imaging of movement disorders. World J Radiol. 2016 Mar 28;8(3):226-39. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v8.i3.226. Review.
Gorgulho A, Gomes JGR, De Salles AAF. - Radiosurgery for Intradural Spinal Tumors: Review Article , J Bras Neurocirurg 25 (3): 275 - 285, 2014
Gomes JGR, Salvajoli JV, Gorgulho A, De Salles AAF. - Treatment of Brain Metastases with Radiosurgery: When and How to Indicate? J Bras Neurocirurg 25 (3): 240 - 250, 2014
Myrehaug S, Sahgal A, Hayashi M, Levivier M, Ma L, Martinez R, Paddick I, Régis J, Ryu S, Slotman B, De Salles A. Reirradiation spine stereotactic body radiation therapy for spinal metastases: systematic review. J Neurosurg Spine. 2017 Jul 14:1-8. doi: 10.3171/2017.2.SPINE16976. [Epub ahead of print]
Husain ZA, Sahgal A, De Salles A, Funaro M, Glover J, Hayashi M, Hiraoka M, Levivier M, Ma L, Martínez-Alvarez R, Paddick JI, Régis J, Slotman BJ, Ryu S. Stereotactic body radiotherapy for de novo spinal metastases: systematic review. J Neurosurg Spine. 2017 Sep;27(3):295-302. doi: 10.3171/2017.1.SPINE16684. Epub 2017 Jun 9. Review.
Redmond KJ, Lo SS, Soltys SG, Yamada Y, Barani IJ, Brown PD, Chang EL, Gerszten PC, Chao ST, Amdur RJ, De Salles AA, Guckenberger M, Teh BS, Sheehan J, Kersh CR, Fehlings MG, Sohn MJ, Chang UK, Ryu S, Gibbs IC, Sahgal A. Consensus guidelines for postoperative stereotactic body radiation therapy for spinal metastases: results of an international survey. J Neurosurg Spine. 2017 Mar;26(3):299-306. doi: 10.3171/2016.8.SPINE16121. Epub 2016 Nov 11.
Barbosa DAN, de Oliveira-Souza R, Monte Santo F, de Oliveira Faria AC, Gorgulho AA, De Salles AAF. The hypothalamus at the crossroads of psychopathology and neurosurgery. Neurosurg Focus. 2017 Sep;43(3):E15. doi: 10.3171/2017.6.FOCUS17256. PMID:28859567
Chung LK, Ung N, Sheppard JP, Nguyen T, Lagman C, Choy W, Tenn S, Pouratian N, Lee P, Kaprealian T, Selch M, De Salles A, Gopen Q, Yang I.Impact of Cochlear Dose on Hearing Preservation following Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Vestibular Schwannoma. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2018 Aug;79(4):335-342. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1607968. Epub 2017 Nov 10.
Miguel EC, Lopes AC, McLaughlin NCR, Norén G, Gentil AF, Hamani C, Shavitt RG, Batistuzzo MC, Vattimo EFQ, Canteras M, De Salles A, Gorgulho A, Salvajoli JV, Fonoff ET, Paddick I, Hoexter MQ, Lindquist C, Haber SN, Greenberg BD, Sheth SA. Evolution of gamma knife capsulotomy for intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder.Mol Psychiatry. 2018 May 9. doi: 10.1038/s41380-018-0054-0. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
Tuleasca C, Régis J, Sahgal A, De Salles A, Hayashi M, Ma L, Martínez-Álvarez R, Paddick I, Ryu S, Slotman BJ, Levivier M. Stereotactic radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia: a systematic review. J Neurosurg. 2018 Apr 27:1-25. doi: 10.3171/2017.9.JNS17545. [Epub ahead of print]
De Salles AAF, Barbosa DAN, Fernandes F, Abucham J, Nazato DM, Oliveira JD, Cury A, Biasi A, Rossi R, Lasagno C, Bueno PT, Santos RHN, Damiani LP, Gorgulho AA. An Open-Label Clinical Trial of Hypothalamic Deep Brain Stimulation for Human Morbid Obesity: BLESS Study Protocol. Neurosurgery. 2018 Mar 12. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyy024. [Epub ahead of print]
Martínez-Moreno NE, Sahgal A, De Salles A, Hayashi M, Levivier M, Ma L, Paddick I, Régis J, Ryu S, Slotman BJ, Martínez-Álvarez R. Stereotactic radiosurgery for tremor: systematic review. J Neurosurg. 2018 Feb 23:1-12. doi: 10.3171/2017.8.JNS17749. [Epub ahead of print]
Tsao MN, Sahgal A, Xu W, De Salles A, Hayashi M, Levivier M, Ma L, Martinez R, Régis J, Ryu S, Slotman BJ, Paddick I. Stereotactic radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society (ISRS) Practice Guideline. J Radiosurg SBRT. 2017;5(1):5-24.
Lizarraga KJ, Luca CC, De Salles A, Gorgulho A, Lang AE, Fasano A. Asymmetric neuromodulation of motor circuits in Parkinson's disease: The role of subthalamic deep brain stimulation. Surg Neurol Int. 2017 Oct 24;8:261. doi: 10.4103/sni.sni_292_17. eCollection 2017. Review.
Chao ST, De Salles A, Hayashi M, Levivier M, Ma L, Martinez R, Paddick I, Régis J, Ryu S, Slotman BJ, Sahgal A. Stereotactic Radiosurgery in the Management of Limited (1-4) Brain Metasteses: Systematic Review and International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Practice Guideline. Neurosurgery. 2018 Sep 1;83(3):345-353. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyx522.
McGonigal A, Sahgal A, De Salles A, Hayashi M, Levivier M, Ma L, Martinez R, Paddick I, Ryu S, Slotman BJ, Régis J. Radiosurgery for epilepsy: Systematic review and International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society (ISRS) practice guideline. Epilepsy Res. 2017 Nov;137:123-131. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2017.08.016. Epub 2017 Sep 20. Review.
Lee CC, Trifiletti DM, Sahgal A, DeSalles A, Fariselli L, Hayashi M, Levivier M, Ma L, Álvarez RM, Paddick I, Regis J, Ryu S, Slotman B, Sheehan J. Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Benign (World Health Organization Grade I) Cavernous Sinus Meningiomas-International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society (ISRS) Practice Guideline: A Systematic Review. Neurosurgery. 2018 Mar 15. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyy009. [Epub ahead of print]
Gorgulho AA, Fernandes F, Damiani LP, Barbosa DAN, Cury A, Lasagno CM, Bueno PRT, Santos BFO, Santos RHN, Berwanger O, Cavalcanti AB, Teixeira MJ, Moreno RA, De Salles AAF. Double Blinded Randomized Trial of Subcutaneous Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation as Adjuvant Treatment for Major Unipolar Depressive Disorder. Neurosurgery. 2018 Sep 28. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyy420. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30272245
Peralta, C. F. A., Botelho, R. D., Romano, E. R., Imada, V., Lamis, F., Rossi J, De Salles, A. A. F. (2020). Fetal open spinal dysraphism repair through a mini‐hysterotomy: influence of gestational age at surgery on the perinatal outcomes and postnatal shunt rates. Prenatal Diagnosis. doi:10.1002/pd.5675
Kashanian, A., DiCesare, J. A. T., Rohatgi, P., Albano, L., Krahl, S. E., Bari, A., De Salles A … Pouratian, N. (2020). Case Series: Deep Brain Stimulation for Facial Pain. Operative Neurosurgery. doi:10.1093/ons/opaa170
Wu H, Hariz M, Visser-Vandewalle V, Zrinzo L, Coenen VA, Sheth SA, Bervoets C, Naesström M, Blomstedt P, Coyne T, Hamani C, Slavin K, Krauss JK, Kahl KG, Taira T, Zhang C, Sun B, Toda H, Schlaepfer T, Chang JW, Régis J, Schuurman R, Schulder M, Doshi P, Mosley P, Poologaindran A, Lázaro-Muñoz G, Pepper J, Schechtmann G, Fytagoridis A, Huys D, Gonçalves-Ferreira A, D'Haese PF, Neimat J, Broggi G, Vilela-Filho O, Voges J, Alkhani A, Nakajima T, Richieri R, Djurfeldt D, Fontaine P, Martinez-Alvarez R, Okamura Y, Chandler J, Watanabe K, Barcia JA, Reneses B, Lozano A, Gabriëls L, De Salles A, Halpern CH, Matthews K, Fins JJ, Nuttin B. Deep brain stimulation for refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): emerging or established therapy? Mol Psychiatry. 2021 Jan;26(1):60-65. doi: 10.1038/s41380-020-00933-x. Epub 2020 Nov 3.PMID: 33144712
Barbosa DAN, De Oliveira-Souza R, Gorgulho A, De Salles A. Upholding Scientific Duty Amidst Poisonous Disinformation. Cureus. 2020 Jul 22;12(7):e9339. doi: 10.7759/cureus.9339.PMID: 32850213
Tripathi M, Maskara P, Rangan VS, Mohindra S, De Salles AAF, Kumar N. Radiosurgical Corpus Callosotomy: A Review of Literature. World Neurosurg. 2021 Jan;145:323-333. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.08.205. Epub 2020 Sep 3.PMID: 32891831
Grishchuk D, Dimitriadis A, Sahgal A, De Salles A, Fariselli L, Kotecha R, Levivier M, Ma L, Pollock BE, Regis J, Sheehan J, Suh J, Yomo S, Paddick I SRS Technical Guidelines for Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Treatment of Small Brain Metastases (≤1 cm in Diameter). .Pract Radiat Oncol. 2023 May-Jun;13(3):183-194. doi: 10.1016/j.prro.2022.10.013. Epub 2022 Nov 24. PMID: 36435388
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