Capítulos, Cartas e Editoriais
Publicações Convidadas
De Salles AAF.: Urban Rescue Squad System - Chapter. Science and Technology Series - Brazilian Embassy, Washington, DC, 28:1-31, 1986. (in Portuguese).
Candia GJ, De Salles AAF: Kjellberg RN: Bragg Peak Proton Beam Therapy - Chapter. In: Manuel M. Velasco Soares en el 50 aniversario professional - 1938-1988. Instituto Nacional de Neurologia Y Neurocirurgia de la Secretaria de Salud. Mexico, 1989, pp164-176.
De Salles AAF: Stereotactic applications. In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery. Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 1-16.
Anzai Y, De Salles AAF: Black K, Farahani K, Sinha S, Castro D, Fried I, Lufkin R: Stereotaxis and interventional magnetic resonance imaging. In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery. Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 47-60.
Goetsch SJ, De Salles AAF, Solberg T, Holly FE, Selch MT, Bajada C: Treatment planning for stereotactic radiosurgery. In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery. Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 277-291.
Selch MT, Ciacci J, De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ, Brekhus S: Radiosurgery for primary malignant brain tumors. In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery. Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp. 335-352.
De Salles AAF.: Scaduto A, Goetsch SJ: Radiosurgery of benign tumors. In De Salles AAF, Goetsch SJ (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery. Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 369-387.
De Salles AAF: Hariz M: Functional radiosurgery. In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery. Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 389-406.
Ciacci J, Black K, Behnke E, De Salles AAF: Frameless stereotactic craniotomy. In De Salles AAF., Goetsch (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery. Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 85-94.
De Salles AAF, Goetsch SJ, Shaker LM: Radiosurgery: An integration of radiation therapy, surgery and radiology. Administrative Radiology 12: 33-34, 1993.
Goetsch SJ, De Salles AAF, Shaker LM: Facility and staff requirements for stereotactic radiosurgery. Administrative Radiology 12(2): 47-53, 1993.
Shaker LM, De Salles AAF, Goetsch SJ: Radiosurgery: An orchestration of imaging and medical professionals. Administrative Radiology 12(3): 56-59, 1993.
Conolly M, Prager JP, De Salles AAF: The management of pain in the cancer patient, in Haskell, Charles M (ed.): Cancer Treatment, Fourth Edition, W.B. Saunders Company, 1995, pp 227-245.
De Salles AAF: Neurosurgical options for cancer pain. Surgery 1995; 13:10:222-223.
De Salles AAF: Selective denervation for spasmodic torticollis. In Neurosurgical Operative Atlas, vol. 4, no. 1, 1995, pp 59-65.
Frazee JG, King WA, Bergsneider M, De Salles AAF, Luo, X: Endoscopic clipping of a pericallosal aneurysm. Outcomes (Clinical Results in Neuroendoscopy) volume 1 (1): September 1995.
De Salles AAF and Beseth B: Surgical options for management of intractable pain. Perspectives in Neurological Surgery vol 7:12-37, 1996.
So GJ, Hathout G, Farahani K, De Salles AAF, Sinha S, Castro D, Black K, Lufkin RB: Interventional MRI. In Advanced MR Imaging Techniques (Eds: Bradly WG, Bydder GM). London, Martin Dunitz Publishers, 1997.
De Salles AAF and Watson V: MR Angiography. In Gildenberg and Tasker (eds): Textbook of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. McGraw Hill, New York, NY. 1998, 281-288.
De Salles AAF, Ficekova Y: The Role of Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Pituitary Tumors. In:R.Knutzen (ed). The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide. Pituitary Tumor Network Association, 1997, pp 119-121.
De Salles AAF, Hariz M: MRI Guided Pallidotomy. In Rengachary SS (ed.): Neurosurgical Operative Atlas Volume 7, pp 141-148, Williams & Wilkins, AANS, 1998
Anzai Y, Black KL, Farahani K, Hang A, De Salles AAF, Lufkin RB: Radiofrequency ablation of brain tumors., in Interventional MRI, Jolesz FA, Young IR (Eds.) Martin Dunitz Publishers. London, England. pp 255-272, 1998
Farahani K, Black KL, De Salles AAF, Anzai Y, Lufkin RB: Radiofrequency ablation, in Jolesz FA and Young IR (eds.): Interventional MRI Jolesz FA, Young IR (Eds.) Martin Dunitz Publishers. London, England. pp 153-158, 1998
Rubino G, De Salles AAF, Black K, Lufkin R: MRI Guided Radiofrequency ablation of brain tumors. In Interventional MRI. Robert Lufkin (ed). Mosby 1998. Pp 277-288.
De Salles AAF, Abdelazis OS: Radiosurgery for Meningiomas. Another Perspective 3(4):3-4, 1998.
De Salles AAF. Radiocirurgia e Radioterapia Estereotáctica. In JV Salvajoli, L Souhami, SL Faria (eds): MDSI. São Paulo, Brazil., 1999 pp 923-934
De Salles AAF: Radiocirurgia, in Holanda, Luciano (ed.): Manual de Neurocirurgia. FundacaoBYK, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.,1998
Solberg TD, Selch MT, De Salles AAF, Smathers JB. Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Rationale and Methods. Medical Dosimetry 23(3):290-219, 1998.
De Salles AAF, Grande VC, Solberg TD, Cabatan-Awang C, Selch MT, Wallace R, Ford J, Becker DP: Radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy as a minimally invasive treatment for intracranial meningiomas. In Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, Ferrer (ed). Monduzzi Editore, SpA, Bologna, Italy, pp 23-31, 1999
De Salles AAF. Fistulas Arteriovenosas Cerebrais. In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2000, pp
De Salles AAF. Angiomas Cavernosos Cerebrais. . In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. GanabaraKoogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000, pp
De Salles AAF: Torcicolo Espasmódico. In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000, pp
De Salles AAF, Solberg T, Selch M: Novalis Thalamotomy. BrainLab Brochure 2001.
Frighetto L, De Salles AAF, Solberg T, Selch M.: Functional Neurosurgery. BrainLAB Resident’s meeting. Munich, January 2003.
De Salles AAF, Solberg T: Intensity Modulation in Radiosurgery. In: Michael Schulder, Handbook of Stereotactic Neurosurgery. Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, 2003, pp 227-244.
De Salles AAF, Johnson JP: Intractable Pain: Sympathectomy for Pain. Youmans Neurological Surgery, Richard Winn (ed). W.B. Sounders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2003, pp 3093-3106
Delgado Escueta AV, Perez-Gosiengfiau KT, Martinez-Juarez IE, Duron RM, Bailey J, Machado-Salas J, Zolo P, Kaufman M, De Salles AAF: Temporal Lobe Resection for Epilepsy in the Language-Dominant Hemisphere with Normal Recent Memory on Modified WADA Test. In Miller JW, Silbergeld DL, Controversies in Epilepsy Surgery, Marcel Dekker, Inc
Melega WP, De Salles AAF, Phelps ME: Molecular Imaging of the Brain with Positron Emission Tomography. Youmans Neurological Surgery, Richard Winn (ed). W.B. Sounders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2003, pp 477-496
De Salles AAF, Malkasian D, Gorgulho A: Selective denervation for spasmodic torticollis. In Neurosurgical Operative Atlas, Spinal and Peripheral Nerves, 2nd edition, chapter 66:389-395, Thieme, New York - Stuttgart. 2007
De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA. Fistulas Arteriovenosas Cerebrais. In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2008.
De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA. Angiomas Cavernosos Cerebrais. . In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008.
De Salles AAF, Malkasian D, Gorgulho AA: Torcicolo Espasmódico. In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008.
Frighetto L, De Salles AAF,Medin P, Selch MT: Shaped Beam Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy for the Brain and Spine.Techniques in Neurosurgery. Vol 9, 3:204-217, 2003 Lippincot Williams & Wilkins.
Gorgulho AA, Warren I, De Salles AAF: General imaging modalities: Basic Principles. IN Gildenberg P, Tasker R, Lozano A. 2009.
Mattozo CA, De Salles AAF: Radiosurgery in Meningiomas. Chapter 19 pp 233-248.
De Salles AAF. Neurosurgical Options for Refractory Pain Management. CME Pain Management and End-of-Life Care Program for the California Society of Anesthesiologists, Module 11. 8/10/2006.
De Salles AAF, Pedroso AG: Stereotactic Surgery. Wiley Press, 2009
Yang I, Kim W, De Salles A, Bergsneider M. A systematic analysis of disease control in acromegaly treated with radiosurgery. Neurosurgical Focus 2010 Oct;29(4): E13.
De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA. Radiocirurgia Estereotaxica para Neuralgia do Trigemio. In Neuralgia do Trigemio (Ed. Claudio Correa). 2011.
De Salles AAF AF. Future of Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Guided Neurology. 2010
De Salles AAF. Medin P. Functional Spine Radiosurgery. Spine Radiosurgery. Ryu/Gerszten ed. Thieme. In Press, 2010
De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA, Agazaryan N: Techniques in Radiosurgery. In Youmans Neurologic Surgery, 6th edition, 2009, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Melega W, De Salles AA: Molecular Imaging of the Brain with Positron Emission Tomography, Youmans Neurological 2009
De Salles AAF: Radioneurocirurgia, in Holanda, Luciano (ed.): Manual de Neurocirurgia. FundaçãoBYK, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.,2009.
Lemaire JJ, Behnke EJ, Frew A, De Salles AAF : . Neuronavigation or Navigation in Neurosurgery. Bioengineering Book, 2013
Perez-Gosiengfiao, Machado-salas J, Salinsky M, Fong CY, Swartz BE, Kaufman M, Zolo P, Walsh GO, De Salles AAF, Fried I, Duron RM, Martinez-Juarez IE, Delgado-Escueta AV: Semiology of Cingulate Epilepsy, 2013
De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA, Agazaryan N: Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery: technical aspects - In Youmans Neurologic Surgery, 67h edition, 3rd volume, Page 2622-2632, 2011, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Pezeshkian P, Lizarraga K, Gorgulho AA, De Salles A. Chapter 30: Applications of Nanotechnology in Movement Disorders. In Babak Kateb and John D. Heiss. CRC Press, 2013.
Gorgulho AA, De Salles A: The Role of Radiosurgery in Trigeminal Neuralgia. In: M. Lim, W Hsu, D Rigamonti, L.R. Kleinberg. Handbook of Radiosurgery in CNS Diseaseds. DemosMedical, New York, 2013, pp 155-159.
Pereira JLB, Gorgulho AA, De Salles AA: Metastases Cerebral de Melanoma (Portuguese). In: Melanoma, ed: Wainstein A, Belfort F. Editora Ateneu, 2014, Sao Paulo. pp 33-335.
De Salles Antônio A. F., Alessandra Gorgulho AA, Leonardo Frighetto, João Victor SalvajoliCapítulo 14, Radiocirurgia e Radioterapia Estereotáxica, In: Salvajoli & Suhami, Ateneu, São Paulo, SP, 2014 pp. 263-291.
De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA A, Pereira JLB, McLaughlin N: Intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery: concepts and techniques – In Pollock BE, Vol 24, Number 4, Pages 491-498, 2013, Neurosurgery Clinics of North America, Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Gorgulho AA, Pereira LBJ, Krahl S, Lemaire JJ, De Salles AAF: Neuromodulation for Eating Disorders: Obesity and Anorexia – In Kim, De Salles and Pouratian: Advances in Neuromodulation, 1st edition, Pages 147-156, Volume 25, January 2014, Neurosurgery Clinics of North America, Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Pereira J, Gorgulho AA, De Salles AAF: Metástase Cerebral de Melanoma - controle local da lesão única – In Wainstein A and Belfort F: Melanoma - Prevenção, Diagnóstico, Tratamento e Acompanhamento, Capítulo 41, Páginas 331-335, 2a edição, 2014, Editora Atheneu, São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro
Frighetto L, Gorgulho AA, Roman A, Pelisser G, Medin P, De Salles AAF: Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Spinal Pathology – In Cukiert A: Functional Neurosurgery, pages 636-658, 1stEdition, 2014, Alaúde Ed., São Paulo
De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA, Agazaryan N: Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery: technical aspects – In: Wynn: Youmans Neurological Surgery, 6th edition
Chapter 255, pages 2622-2632, Elsevier Sanders, Philadelphia PA, SBN-13: 978-1416053163,ISBN-10: 1416053166
Pereira J, Santana DPS, Gorgulho AA, De Salles AAF: Acidente Vascular Hemorrágico Cerebral In: Carrion MJC, Félix E - Guia Prático de Emergências Neurológicas - Série Hospital do Coração – HCor, páginas 159-168, Capítulo 12, 1a edição, 2015, Ed. Atheneu, São Paulo/ Brasil • ISBN-10:8538806041, ISBN-13: 978-8538806042
Santana DPS, Pereira J, Gorgulho AA, De Salles AAF: Análise do Líquido Cefalorraquidiano e Infecções do Sistema Nervoso Central In: Carrion MJC, Félix E - Guia Prático de Emergências Neurológicas - Série Hospital do Coração – HCor, páginas 55-64, Capítulo 4, 1a edição, 2015, Ed. Atheneu, São Paulo/ Brasil • ISBN-10: 8538806041, ISBN-13: 978-8538806042
De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA: Radiosurgery for Psychiatric Diseases - In: Sun B and De Salles AF: Neurosurgical Treatments for Psychiatric Disorders pages 217-225, Chapter 19, 2015, Springer, Dordrecht/Heilderberg/New York/London
Gorgulho AA, De Salles AAF: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery: introduction and technical aspects - In: Hamani C, Holtzheimer P, Lozano A, Mayberg H – Neuromodulation in Psychiatry, Chapter 19, pages 353-367, 2016, 1st Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, West Sussex, United Kingdom.