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Capítulos, Cartas e Editoriais

Publicações Convidadas

  • De Salles AAF.: Urban Rescue Squad System - Chapter. Science and Technology Series - Brazilian Embassy, Washington, DC, 28:1-31, 1986. (in Portuguese).

  • Candia GJ, De Salles AAF: Kjellberg RN: Bragg Peak Proton Beam Therapy - Chapter. In: Manuel M. Velasco Soares en el 50 aniversario professional - 1938-1988. Instituto Nacional de Neurologia Y Neurocirurgia de la Secretaria de Salud. Mexico, 1989, pp164-176.

  • De Salles AAF:  Stereotactic applications.  In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery.  Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 1-16.

  • Anzai Y, De Salles AAF: Black K, Farahani K, Sinha S, Castro D, Fried I, Lufkin R:  Stereotaxis and interventional magnetic resonance imaging. In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.):  Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery.  Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 47-60.

  • Goetsch SJ, De Salles AAF, Solberg T, Holly FE, Selch MT, Bajada C:  Treatment planning for stereotactic radiosurgery.  In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.):  Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery.  Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 277-291.

  • Selch MT, Ciacci J, De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ, Brekhus S:  Radiosurgery for primary malignant brain tumors.  In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.):  Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery.  Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp. 335-352.

  • De Salles AAF.: Scaduto A, Goetsch SJ:  Radiosurgery of benign tumors. In De Salles AAF, Goetsch SJ (eds.):  Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery.  Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 369-387.

  • De Salles AAF: Hariz M:  Functional radiosurgery.  In De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery.  Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 389-406.

  • Ciacci J, Black K, Behnke E, De Salles AAF: Frameless stereotactic craniotomy. In De Salles AAF., Goetsch (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery.  Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993, pp 85-94.

  • De Salles AAF, Goetsch SJ, Shaker LM:  Radiosurgery:  An integration of radiation therapy, surgery and radiology.  Administrative Radiology 12: 33-34, 1993.

  • Goetsch SJ, De Salles AAF, Shaker LM:  Facility and staff requirements for stereotactic radiosurgery.  Administrative Radiology 12(2): 47-53, 1993.

  • Shaker LM, De Salles AAF, Goetsch SJ:  Radiosurgery:  An orchestration of imaging and medical professionals.  Administrative Radiology 12(3): 56-59, 1993.

  • Conolly M, Prager JP, De Salles AAF:  The management of pain in the cancer patient, in Haskell, Charles M (ed.):  Cancer Treatment, Fourth Edition, W.B. Saunders Company, 1995, pp 227-245.

  • De Salles AAF:  Neurosurgical options for cancer pain.  Surgery 1995; 13:10:222-223.

  • De Salles AAF: Selective denervation for spasmodic torticollis.  In Neurosurgical Operative Atlas, vol. 4, no. 1, 1995, pp 59-65.

  • Frazee JG, King WA, Bergsneider M, De Salles AAF, Luo, X:  Endoscopic clipping of a pericallosal aneurysm.  Outcomes (Clinical Results in Neuroendoscopy) volume 1 (1): September 1995. 

  • De Salles AAF and Beseth B:  Surgical options for management of intractable pain.  Perspectives in Neurological Surgery vol 7:12-37, 1996.

  • So GJ, Hathout G, Farahani K, De Salles AAF, Sinha S, Castro D, Black K, Lufkin RB:  Interventional MRI.  In Advanced MR Imaging Techniques (Eds: Bradly WG, Bydder GM).  London, Martin Dunitz Publishers, 1997.

  • De Salles AAF and Watson V:  MR Angiography.  In Gildenberg and Tasker (eds):  Textbook of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. McGraw Hill, New York, NY. 1998, 281-288.

  • De Salles AAF, Ficekova Y: The Role of Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Pituitary Tumors. In:R.Knutzen  (ed). The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide. Pituitary Tumor Network Association, 1997, pp 119-121.

  • De Salles AAF, Hariz M:  MRI Guided Pallidotomy.  In Rengachary SS (ed.):  Neurosurgical Operative Atlas Volume 7, pp 141-148, Williams & Wilkins, AANS, 1998

  • Anzai Y, Black KL, Farahani K, Hang A, De Salles AAF, Lufkin RB: Radiofrequency ablation of brain tumors., in Interventional MRI, Jolesz FA, Young IR (Eds.) Martin Dunitz Publishers. London, England. pp 255-272, 1998

  • Farahani K, Black KL, De Salles AAF, Anzai Y, Lufkin RB:  Radiofrequency ablation, in Jolesz FA and Young IR (eds.): Interventional MRI Jolesz FA, Young IR (Eds.) Martin Dunitz Publishers. London, England. pp 153-158, 1998

  • Rubino G, De Salles AAF, Black K, Lufkin R: MRI Guided Radiofrequency ablation of brain tumors. In Interventional MRI. Robert Lufkin (ed). Mosby 1998. Pp 277-288.

  • De Salles AAF, Abdelazis OS: Radiosurgery for Meningiomas. Another Perspective 3(4):3-4, 1998.

  • De Salles AAF. Radiocirurgia e Radioterapia Estereotáctica. In JV Salvajoli, L Souhami, SL Faria (eds): MDSI. São Paulo, Brazil., 1999 pp 923-934

  • De Salles AAF:  Radiocirurgia, in Holanda, Luciano (ed.):  Manual de Neurocirurgia. FundacaoBYK, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.,1998

  • Solberg TD, Selch MT, De Salles AAF, Smathers JB. Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Rationale and Methods. Medical Dosimetry 23(3):290-219, 1998.

  • De Salles AAF, Grande VC, Solberg TD, Cabatan-Awang C, Selch MT, Wallace R, Ford J, Becker DP: Radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy as a minimally invasive treatment for intracranial meningiomas. In Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, Ferrer (ed). Monduzzi Editore, SpA, Bologna, Italy, pp 23-31, 1999

  • De Salles AAF. Fistulas Arteriovenosas Cerebrais. In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2000, pp

  • De Salles AAF. Angiomas Cavernosos Cerebrais. . In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. GanabaraKoogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000, pp

  • De Salles AAF: Torcicolo Espasmódico. In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000, pp

  • De Salles AAF, Solberg T, Selch M: Novalis Thalamotomy. BrainLab Brochure 2001.

  • Frighetto L, De Salles AAF, Solberg T, Selch M.: Functional Neurosurgery. BrainLAB Resident’s meeting. Munich, January 2003.

  • De Salles AAF, Solberg T: Intensity Modulation in Radiosurgery. In: Michael Schulder, Handbook of Stereotactic Neurosurgery. Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, 2003, pp 227-244.

  • De Salles AAF, Johnson JP: Intractable Pain: Sympathectomy for Pain. Youmans Neurological Surgery, Richard Winn (ed). W.B. Sounders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2003, pp 3093-3106

  • Delgado Escueta AV, Perez-Gosiengfiau KT, Martinez-Juarez IE, Duron RM, Bailey J, Machado-Salas J, Zolo P, Kaufman M, De Salles AAF: Temporal Lobe Resection for Epilepsy in the Language-Dominant Hemisphere with Normal Recent Memory on Modified WADA Test. In Miller JW, Silbergeld  DL, Controversies in Epilepsy Surgery, Marcel Dekker, Inc

  • Melega WP, De Salles AAF, Phelps ME: Molecular Imaging of the Brain with Positron Emission Tomography. Youmans Neurological Surgery, Richard Winn (ed). W.B. Sounders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2003, pp 477-496

  • De Salles AAF, Malkasian D, Gorgulho A: Selective denervation for spasmodic torticollis.  In Neurosurgical Operative Atlas, Spinal and Peripheral Nerves, 2nd edition, chapter 66:389-395, Thieme, New York - Stuttgart. 2007

  • De Salles AAFGorgulho AA. Fistulas Arteriovenosas Cerebrais. In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2008.

  • De Salles AAFGorgulho AA. Angiomas Cavernosos Cerebrais. . In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008.

  • De Salles AAF, Malkasian D, Gorgulho AA: Torcicolo Espasmódico. In Melo-Souza, S: Neurologia. Ganabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008. 

  • Frighetto L, De Salles AAF,Medin P, Selch MT: Shaped Beam Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy for the Brain and Spine.Techniques in Neurosurgery. Vol 9, 3:204-217, 2003 Lippincot Williams & Wilkins.

  • Gorgulho AA, Warren I, De Salles AAF: General imaging modalities: Basic Principles. IN Gildenberg P, Tasker R, Lozano A. 2009.

  • Mattozo CA, De Salles AAF: Radiosurgery in Meningiomas. Chapter 19 pp 233-248.

  • De Salles AAF. Neurosurgical Options for Refractory Pain Management. CME Pain Management and End-of-Life Care Program for the California Society of Anesthesiologists, Module 11. 8/10/2006.

  • De Salles AAF, Pedroso AG: Stereotactic Surgery. Wiley Press, 2009

  • Yang I, Kim W, De Salles A, Bergsneider M. A systematic analysis of disease control in acromegaly treated with radiosurgery. Neurosurgical Focus 2010 Oct;29(4): E13.

  • De Salles AAFGorgulho AA. Radiocirurgia Estereotaxica para Neuralgia do Trigemio. In Neuralgia do Trigemio (Ed. Claudio Correa). 2011.

  • De Salles AAF AF. Future of Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Guided Neurology. 2010

  • De Salles AAF. Medin P. Functional Spine Radiosurgery. Spine Radiosurgery. Ryu/Gerszten ed. Thieme. In Press, 2010

  • De Salles AAFGorgulho AA, Agazaryan N: Techniques in Radiosurgery. In Youmans Neurologic Surgery, 6th edition, 2009, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Melega W, De Salles AA: Molecular Imaging of the Brain with Positron Emission Tomography, Youmans Neurological 2009

  • De Salles AAF:  Radioneurocirurgia, in Holanda, Luciano (ed.):  Manual de Neurocirurgia. FundaçãoBYK, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.,2009. 

  • Lemaire JJ, Behnke EJ, Frew A, De Salles AAF : . Neuronavigation or Navigation in Neurosurgery. Bioengineering Book, 2013

  • Perez-Gosiengfiao, Machado-salas J, Salinsky M, Fong CY, Swartz BE, Kaufman M, Zolo P, Walsh GO, De Salles AAF, Fried I, Duron RM, Martinez-Juarez IE, Delgado-Escueta AV: Semiology of Cingulate Epilepsy, 2013

  • De Salles AAFGorgulho AA, Agazaryan N: Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery: technical aspects - In Youmans Neurologic Surgery, 67h edition, 3rd volume, Page 2622-2632, 2011, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Pezeshkian P, Lizarraga K, Gorgulho AA, De Salles A. Chapter 30: Applications of Nanotechnology in Movement Disorders. In Babak Kateb and John D. Heiss. CRC Press, 2013.

  • Gorgulho AADe Salles A: The Role of Radiosurgery in Trigeminal Neuralgia. In: M. Lim, W Hsu, D Rigamonti, L.R. Kleinberg. Handbook of Radiosurgery in CNS Diseaseds. DemosMedical, New York, 2013, pp 155-159.

  • Pereira JLB, Gorgulho AA, De Salles AA: Metastases Cerebral de Melanoma (Portuguese). In:  Melanoma, ed: Wainstein A, Belfort F. Editora Ateneu, 2014, Sao Paulo. pp 33-335. 

  • De Salles Antônio A. F., Alessandra Gorgulho AA, Leonardo Frighetto, João Victor SalvajoliCapítulo 14, Radiocirurgia e Radioterapia Estereotáxica, In: Salvajoli & Suhami, Ateneu, São Paulo, SP, 2014 pp. 263-291.

  • De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA A, Pereira JLB, McLaughlin N: Intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery: concepts and techniques – In Pollock BE, Vol 24, Number 4, Pages 491-498, 2013, Neurosurgery Clinics of North America, Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

  • Gorgulho AA, Pereira LBJ, Krahl S, Lemaire JJ, De Salles AAF: Neuromodulation for Eating Disorders: Obesity and Anorexia – In Kim, De Salles and Pouratian: Advances in Neuromodulation, 1st edition, Pages 147-156, Volume 25, January 2014, Neurosurgery Clinics of North America, Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

  • Pereira J, Gorgulho AADe Salles AAF: Metástase Cerebral de Melanoma - controle local da lesão única – In Wainstein A and Belfort F: Melanoma - Prevenção, Diagnóstico, Tratamento e Acompanhamento, Capítulo 41, Páginas 331-335, 2a edição, 2014, Editora Atheneu, São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro

  • Frighetto L, Gorgulho AA, Roman A, Pelisser G, Medin P, De Salles AAF: Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Spinal Pathology – In Cukiert A: Functional Neurosurgery, pages 636-658, 1stEdition, 2014, Alaúde Ed., São Paulo 

  • De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA, Agazaryan N: Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery: technical aspects – In: Wynn:  Youmans Neurological Surgery, 6th edition

  • Chapter 255, pages 2622-2632, Elsevier Sanders, Philadelphia PA, SBN-13: 978-1416053163,ISBN-10: 1416053166 

  • Pereira J, Santana DPS, Gorgulho AA, De Salles AAF: Acidente Vascular Hemorrágico Cerebral In: Carrion MJC, Félix E - Guia Prático de Emergências Neurológicas - Série Hospital do Coração – HCor, páginas 159-168, Capítulo 12, 1a edição, 2015, Ed. Atheneu, São Paulo/ Brasil •  ISBN-10:8538806041, ISBN-13: 978-8538806042

  • Santana DPS, Pereira J, Gorgulho AA, De Salles AAF: Análise do Líquido Cefalorraquidiano e Infecções do Sistema Nervoso Central In: Carrion MJC, Félix E - Guia Prático de Emergências Neurológicas - Série Hospital do Coração – HCor, páginas 55-64, Capítulo 4, 1a edição, 2015, Ed. Atheneu, São Paulo/ Brasil •  ISBN-10: 8538806041, ISBN-13: 978-8538806042

  • De Salles AAF, Gorgulho AA: Radiosurgery for Psychiatric Diseases - In: Sun B and De Salles AF: Neurosurgical Treatments for Psychiatric Disorders pages 217-225, Chapter 19, 2015, Springer, Dordrecht/Heilderberg/New York/London

  • Gorgulho AA, De Salles AAF: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery: introduction and technical aspects - In: Hamani C, Holtzheimer P, Lozano A, Mayberg H – Neuromodulation in Psychiatry, Chapter 19, pages 353-367, 2016, 1st Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, West Sussex, United Kingdom.

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