Livros Publicados por Antônio De Salles

De Salles AAF: Brain Acidosis Following Severe Head Injury (Ph.D. thesis dissertation). Virginia Commonwealth University, 1986.

De Salles AAF: Lufkin R: Minimally Invasive Therapy of the Brain. Thieme Medical Publishers, 1997.

De Salles AAF. Why Fly Over the Cuckoo’s Nest? Psychosurgery in my brain, please. Writers Guild of America. CreateSpace, Amazon.com July 2011

Kim W, De Salles A, Pouratian N (Editors): Neuromodulation of the Peripheral and Central Nervous System 2013.

De Salles A: O Cérebro do Jogador, Amor e Futebol. Bonecker, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 2018. – Translated to Spanish – Hindi – English (another title, item 5 – original writing)

De Salles A: O Cérebro do Jogador, Amor e Futebol. Bonecker, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 2018. – Translated to Spanish – Hindi – English (another title, item 5 – original writing)

Osama Abelaziz and Antonio De Salles: NeuroRadiosurgery: Case Review Atlas, Springer, 2023.

De Salles AAF: Goetsch SJ (eds.): Stereotactic Surgery and Radiosurgery. Medical Physics Publishing Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993.

King W, Frazee J,
De Salles AAF: Endoscopy of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. Thieme Medical Publishers (1998).

De Salles AAF, Agazaryan A, Selch M, Gorgulho AA, Slotman B, Editors. Shaped Beam Radiosurgery. Springer. April 2011

Bomin Sun, Antonio De Salles. Psychiatric Disorders Surgery, Springer 2014.

De Salles A: O Cérebro do Jogador, Amor e Futebol. Bonecker, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 2018. – Translated to Spanish – Hindi – English (another title, item 5 – original writing)

De Salles A: O Cérebro do Jogador, Amor e Futebol. Bonecker, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 2018. – Translated to Spanish – Hindi – English (another title, item 5 – original writing)

De Salles A: The Musician’s Brain – Science and Sensibility, in press 2025 – English and Spanish, to be translated to Portuguese (in press).